Spring showers bring muddy paws… and backs, and bellies, and ears, and… you get the picture. If your dog is anything like ours, nothing gets them more excited than the chance to get good and dirty. So how should you handle your dirty dog? Read on for our best tips for bathing your furry friend.

#1 – Don’t bathe your pet any more than you need to!
If your dog rolls in a mud puddle or gets sprayed by a skunk, of course you shouldn’t hesitate to scrub away. But under normal circumstances, you probably don’t need to bathe your dog more than once a month – and most dogs will be fine with getting bathed every other month. Bathing too frequently can strip your dog’s fur of natural oils and lead to skin irritation and dryness. Different dog breeds can have different bathing requirements (would you believe that a Chinese Crested actually needs MORE baths than your regular hairy dogs?) – so you’ll want to be informed about your dog’s breed (or breeds) if possible so that you can address their skin needs.
#2 – Choose gentler shampoo options when possible
Again, no holds barred when a skunking has occurred, or if you need to tackle fleas. For regular maintenance baths, however, a gentler shampoo is fine. Many dogs with especially sensitive or dry skin benefit from oatmeal-based shampoos. Dogs with longer hair will often do well with a doggy conditioner to keep their hair softer and less tangled. If you have any question about which shampoo will work best for your needs, stop in to chat with us at Weber’s! Our team will be happy to help you find the best doggy bath products for you.
#3 – Practice other good doggy hygiene habits to extend the time between baths
Regular brushing of your dog’s coat will help clear out old fur and dirt, helping to keep their skin happy. Good coat maintenance will also make doggy bathtime more pleasant when wash day comes. We recommend keeping a towel or doggy wipes by the door, so that you can clean off muddy paws before your dog tracks fresh spring dirt all over the house. You can even try training your dog to wipe their paws on the way into your home. (Our friend Arco has learned to do this… but Goose still has not. Mention this to Goose’s staff.)
#4 – Visit Webers!
If it’s time to give your dog a bath, but you’re dreading wrangling your dog into your tub and trying to keep them from tearing around the house, you can always visit our self-service doggy wash station in Weber’s Reston! We’ve got elevated tubs, temperature-controlled sprayers, fresh towels and a wide selection of different shampoos. Save yourself the backache and the cleanup! Plus, $10 from every bath goes to support a local organization.